Saturday, June 06, 2009

Rahaf Harfoush

I'm in this picture from a book release by Rahaf Harfoush at Toronto's Rotman School of Management. I'm almost right in the centre. Can you find me?

Rahaf Harfoush, a twenty-something Torontonian, was the new media strategist for the Obama campaign and is a brilliant speaker. She has written a cool book revealing all the secrets of Obama's ground-breaking (and many say, election-winning) use of social media to rally his folks and get out the vote.


  1. I found you! You're on the right hand side of the photo between someone in orange and someone in white. Correct?

  2. Close, but I don't think you quite got it. I'm in row 4, seat 2 - next to my colleague with the shaved head who is turning around. But I will still send you the prize!
