Wednesday, June 27, 2007

llpof (liar liar pants on fire)

Hey! Take a look at my Mom's new blog, llpof (liar liar pants on fire)!

She's the amazing CooperSleuth, and for those of you who don't know her personally, she's a "post hippie, retired petty bureaucrat working on the same Great American novel since 1949..."

And she also just received her first Medicare card.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    This blog does not allow anonymous comments.
    Hey whats up with this Coopersleuth?
    I would love to read your blog and leave comments. I think you will do a great job. How are you doing anyway? Every time I think of you I think of the time you made me,Sol,Aaron and George about 300 tacos and we ate them all. OOh the good ol days.

  2. Hiya, Tony...I remember the taco making/eating days too. To this day it's about the only thing I know how to make. Please tune into my blog. It's good to have you there! Coop (aka Chris)
