In a time when Don Imus, Michael Richards, Mel Gibson, etc. are heavily criticized for their racist slurs, I am amazed that a major league sports team like the Cleveland Indians can continue to use their racist mascot image without anyone raising so much as an eyebrow. (Well, there are
some people who have noticed....) It's the same with the Washington Redskins, whose team name is basically as offensive as the "n-word." It would be a real shame if Cleveland makes it into the World Series and their racist image gets an even bigger stage. And I'm not saying that just because I'm a Red Sox fan. In general I like all things Cleveland: the city was great in
Stranger Than Paradise. I love the non-descript Browns. But the time has come for them to rename their baseball team.
I've never understood why there isn't more public outcry. And I agree...Cleveland's okay. Your grandmother was born there afterall!