Thursday, May 06, 2010

Trucker's Signals

Great post from the cool site, Broken Secrets (which just won a Webby). I'm posting it here for my Mom and Irene who spend a lot of time on the open road. (And for the other 22 visitors my stats tell me still come to my blog each day, though my updating has been rather sorry in the past few months. Thanks for stopping by!)

Truckers usually communicate with each other using citizen’s band (CB) radios, but they communicate with you using headlights, turn signals and trailer lights. In a lot of cases, you probably don’t realize they’re doing it.

The most common signal is used by cars and trucks in oncoming lanes. They will double-flash their headlights when they just passed a police speed trap that you’re heading toward. While this is very helpful, be sure you know your local laws about this, in some places it is against the law.

More than two consecutive flashes from oncoming traffic signals that there is another type of danger ahead, such as a foreign object on the road and drivers should proceed with caution. These two signals are often confused, but the appropriate action is the same, slow down. ...

(more here...)


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Thanks, Aaron. I had a trucker flip me off today. What does that mean?

  2. LOVED this post. Thank you.
