¿Podría yo abrir la matriz,
y no provocar el parto?
dice el Señor.
¿O cerraría yo el seno materno,
siendo que yo hago dar a luz?
dice tu Dios.
y no provocar el parto?
dice el Señor.
¿O cerraría yo el seno materno,
siendo que yo hago dar a luz?
dice tu Dios.
--Isaías 66:9
Here's an English version, for those who wondered...
Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause to bring forth?" says the Lord;
"shall I, who cause to bring forth, shut the womb?" says your God.
--Isaiah 66:9
More editorial comment...basically this Bible verse affirms that, at this point, no doubt about it, we're having a baby! (And believe me, it's obvious!) I love the Spanish phrase for giving birth: "dar a luz." It literally means "to bring to light," or perhaps could even mean "to give to light." I don't think Babel Fish.com will tell you this. In fact, here is the Babel Fish version:
It could I open the matrix, and not cause the childbirth? the Gentleman says. Or would close I the maternal sine, being that I make give light? your God says.
-- Isaiah 66:9
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