Cuba paid Oswald to kill Kennedy, new film says
"Cuba lay behind the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald and its agents provided the gunman with money and support, an award-winning German director says in a new documentary film."
"The film, shown to journalists in Berlin on Wednesday, says Oswald traveled to Mexico City by bus in September 1963, seven weeks before the Kennedy shooting, and met agents at the Cuban embassy there who paid him $6,500."
"Oswald was shot dead by Jack Ruby two days after killing Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963."
"The film argues Cuba wanted to eliminate Kennedy as the chief enemy of its Communist revolution, and portrays him and Castro as dueling opponents each trying to assassinate the other first. Former CIA official Sam Halpern told Huismann: 'He (Castro) beat us. He bested us. He came out on top, and we lost.'"
Here's the link to the full article:
Castro certainly seems like a plausible suspect....but for me the key to figuring out the Kennedy assassination has always been Jack Rudy who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Why would he do this? How could he do this? The accussed assassin of a U.S. president getting gunned down in a police station by a stripclub owner...there's something very fishy about this.
I've always thought this there had to be a Mafia-connection to Oswald's murder...but then again, perhaps I'm wrong about ol' Jack Rubenstein after all. There's this:
In Defense of Jack Ruby
...but it's easy to find a rebuttal for anything on the Internet:
"Framed: America's Pasty Tradition"
The assassination of John Kennedy is a defining event for my generation. There's a whole lot of people who have been obsessing about "whodonit" for decades. I for one would like to hear the truth about this in my lifetime. Is there anyone who keeps secrets anymore?
Could Cuba, the Mafia, and "some certain"Texas politicians have been working together to kill JFK?
Have I been reading too many conspiracy websites??
Am I going to care about any of this once our baby is born? Probably not.
An assassination is not a business. There's not a boardroom where all the participants are each assigned their part of the pie. Each party would not be aware of the others involved, for reasons that are obvious: that no one at the bottom can lead any sort of investigation to the layer above them. The thing we do know, the Warren Commission is a cover-up agent of the crime. Ask the question, who would they cover-up for? Well, it certainly wouldn't be the Cubans or the Russians.