Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sushi Birthday Bash

Amado went to sleep right on schedule (7:30 p.m.) last night and Wendy and I got to enjoy a nice, it was a whole platter...of sushi from "Yumi's" for her birthday. It was delicious!

I was so into it (poor fish) I forgot to take a picture, so I'll borrow one from Rev. Shawn's blog instead. Hope he won't mind!

We also had cake and ice cream, but we forgot to eat the cake.


  1. How do you FORGET to eat cake???

    That's just NOT normal ...

    Or would we RATHER not know ...

    No problemo on the sushi pic - I borrowed it too ... so if they come after me ... I'll be sending them to you ...

    Hope it was a great day ...

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You're right of course, rev. shawn. It's not normal, expecially for people who dance the polka with Lawrence Welk...I mean, cake is the main course...But seriously, Aaron, if I were a meat eater and liked raw 'stuff', the sushi would look mighty good!

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    yummmmy! my favorite food, sounds like you had a great time, Sharon
