Monday, December 11, 2006

Garvey Ave., South El Monte

My Mom grew up in South El Monte and I spent a good part of my childhood there as well.

You know, South El Monte has a certain something that many other towns don't. Not exactly sure what it is though.


  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    You had to tell the WORLD? Actually when I was a little kid South El Monte had a lot of dairys and quarter acre yards with wild stuff in them like chickens and zuchini and walnut trees. I think now it's filled with motels, liquor stores and gangs and I don't tell anyone about my connection!

  2. Opps, sorry! The things you mention are the great things I remember about spending time at Bambea's in El Monte when I was little, especially the trees left over from the orchards: orange, walnut, apricot. Now I am amazed that I ever lived in a place that had these trees plus a kumquat tree, pomogrante trees, avocado trees, a persimmon tree, lemon and lime trees. Not to mention real pointsettas! I don't see these things where I live in Canada.

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Well, buck up....neither do the people who live in South El Monte these days...
