A couple of months ago, I swallowed hard and thought I should support Hillary for the nomination. (I don't support war supporters.) After all, could a relative newcomer like Barak Obama really beat the Clinton Machine? But now, at the dawn of the campaign (what, with just 21 months until the election), I haven't thought much of Clinton's passionless effort, while Obama has truly been impressive. (With the exception that he's a smoker. Tsk, tsk.)
Obama seems to know deep in his heart that Americans are so sick of vicious, polarizing politics and long for something that will actually offer them hope for a more meaningful future. Can Hillary do that? I doubt it. Can Obama beat the Republican candidate? I doubt it.
So then I guess if Al Gore continues to be the most powerful voice in the world on climate change, then I will just have to open up Canada's first "Draft Al" committee.
See, that's the problem. I don't think this country is ready to elect either a black man OR a woman (especially one with so much baggage). AND the important thing is that we elect someone who can restore some sanity and integrity to our country. (Oh, pleeeze don't let Guiliani be our next president!!)How about John Edwards?