Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Heart transplant drama unfolds in Toronto

The emotional ordeal of two families in hospital with seriously ill infants captivated a city on Tuesday night, as the parents of one baby withdrew her life support so that her heart could be donated to the other baby in need.
The first try at the transplant wasn't a success. But both babies are still alive, so doctors are waiting for a chance to try again. Read the whole story here:


  1. This story just makes me feel so lucky. I said to Craig this morning that things could be MUCH worse for us than they are. I feel so badly for these people, and I wish so much for their futures. Bless their hearts, all of them.

  2. I walked the journey of waiting for an infant heart transplant with a family once ... the prayer for the health and recovery for the wee one waiting for the transplant was gut-wrenching ... for in saving one life came the sure and certain knowledge that another life ended too young ...

    This drama is truly that ... heart-breaking and profound ... may God's Blessings be on ALL from the two sweet little girls through to the ethicists who have no doubt lost sleep ... no easy answers!

  3. I've just heard the potential donor baby is no longer able to give her heart.

  4. Mom: Yes, when she was disconnected from her respirator, she kept breathing and didn't die as doctors expected. I heard the dad interviewed on the radio this morning and his voice sounded so happy about his daughter, even while recognizing the difficulty this puts the family of the other baby in.

    Shawn: I couldn't imagine the depths of emotion being involved in something like this would involve. Tremendous.

    Karen: Yes, that's what I feel too. So sad for the parents losing their child. So happy for the child who may be saved.
