...this statement was seen on a sign carried by a protestor last week in Rangoon, Burma.
This uprising has been a long-time coming for the people of Burma. In 1988 there were similar protests and the ruling military junta massacred at least 3,000 nonviolent protesters. The New York Times has a chilling article on the preparations of the military to end the current protests and infiltrate the monks. I'm glad to see the U.S. add new sanctions on the government today. That's a step in the right direction. Pray for justice and a peaceful end to the terrible rule the Burmese have had to live under all of these years.
"infiltrate the monks"????
ReplyDeleteWhat the Heck ???
Burma stands in a moment not unlike that of South Africa 20 plus years ago when the likes of Desmond Tutu stood up and said - "this is NOT God's will ..." and invited the pro-Apartheid folks to simply come and join the winning side ...
May such a spirit prevail in the streets of Burma ... Gotta love it when religious people take action though !!!!
This is just ghastly.