Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just Chillin'

Amadisto chillin' in the park with Daddy yesterday. (Had to post one more...)


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Wow! Good thing you got that boy a crib! ;-)

  2. The pram is getting a little tight, but it unfolds into a killer stroller that has plenty of room, so that's the direction we're heading. But Amado does still sleep in the pram at night, right next to our bed. The vast expanse of the crib seems to be too much for him at night and he rolls around and never gets settled. This will have to change soon!

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Well, too bad we didn't opt for the teenage-extender package with the purchase of the pram!

  4. mmm...is your pop-up camper still for sale? I am sure the pram can tow it.

  5. The art of "The Chill." That baby belongs in Santa Cruz!

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I just noticed Amadisto seems to have brought a book with him. Reminds me of our early drives through the Mojave, June at the wheel, you in the backseat with your ever present book. "Put that book down and look out the window", she'd yell.....

  7. Yes, he's been eating his way through this one all summer.
