Gonzalez, when he was still Bush's White House Counsel, argued that the war on terror placed "a high premium on...factors such as the ability to quickly obtain information from captured terrorists and their sponsors." In short, he was justifying the harsh treatment, perhaps even the torture, of prisoners like Mohammed who were captured in the war on terror.
Alberto, just because a bad man confessed doesn't make it ok to torture people or fire U.S. Attorneys for reasons that are blatantly political.
After becoming Attorney General, he then went on to argue for government eavesdropping on U.S. citizens. What law school did Gonzalez go to anyway? School of the Americas?
I am happy that my brothers and sisters of La Raza are starting to be considered for the highest positions in the U.S. government, but, c'mon, we have to be able to do better than this.
Your reference to School of the Americas(or The School of Torture Techniques!) is sadly dead on b/c one has to wonder where Alberto learned his manners! It is always depressing when any of us give into the MAN and his manipuations and disregard for humanity..however I tend to expect it more regulary from Mr./Ms White People whose lifestyle and greed depends on the oppression of others...I sound like Dr. Mumford..(ie..."our friend Mr. Money Bags!and Petty Bourgeois cause etc!)