+ Today, on a walk with Amado in the park, I saw a new mom park her stroller with a newborn in it and ask her three-year old kid to sit on a bench in a semi-secluded area. Then, in her full coat and dress shoes, she did wind sprints back and forth on the sidewalk, never going more than 10 feet from her kids. Her apparent desperation made me sad.
+ Yesterday, on another walk in the park, Amado and I ran into a cria named Pancho. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera and Amado was asleep, so we both missed it. However, rumour has it that the cria will be around all summer, so keep your eyes peeled.
+ Today, while taking a nap with Amado in the morning, I had a dream that I walked the plank of a pirate ship and happily jumped into the sea. I wasn't afraid at all of drowning, being eaten by sharks, or anything else. It was marvelous and so refreshing. As soon as I hit the water I woke up.
+ Intrigued by a rumour that there was a new Mexican restaurant on Roger's Road, which is not exactly on the beaten path, I went on a taco hunt and discovered Rebazos, one of the few real Mexican restaurants in Toronto. It's no bigger than 10' x 10' and seems to be the actual kitchen of the house it's attached to and run by the family who lives there. There were six apparent Mexicans sitting there eating and watching Mexican soccer on a small colour T.V. on the counter (it must be a special channel, because cable only carries the English soccer league in Toronto....which is boring). I got two carnitas tacos to go and ate them in the parking lot of Canadian Tire. Delicious.
+ Amado is very cute these days and on the move....not quite walking, but going from place to place, grabbing on to things and leaving Katrina-like destruction in his wake.
+ On Saturday night I watched Kazan's Viva Zapata (1952) staring Marlon Brando and Anthony Quinn. This one seemed a bit self-conscious, at times clumsy. But I love old movies and campesino uprisings, so this was a pretty good night.
+ "MarlonBrandoized" is a word we use in my family that my mom, the great coiner of words, made it up, though I'm not sure she remembers it. "MarlonBrandoized" is the state of a once attractive young man (Brando in Viva Zapata) who ballons to incredible porportions when he enters middle age (Brando in Apocalyse Now). Usage: "I like totally MarlonBrandoized by my 45th birthday."
+ I've been really busy so I haven't been posting too much lately. Sorry!
+ P.S. The swans are home.
Above: Grenadier Pond, High Park
Two questions: What is a "wind sprint" and why is it sad? Couldn't figure out what a cria is. This morning on the news they showed a baby 6 months old, walking! The little tyke lives in London and is the youngest dcumented case of such a thing...Glad it seems to be warming up in Toronto...
ReplyDeleteI could have just said "sprints," which would have been more accurate, except that she was running in tight circles. It's sad because I think she was trying to lose her preganacy weight.
ReplyDeleteA cria is a baby llama. The one in the High Park Zoo is just three weeks old and cute as the dickins! I should have a picture soon.
Yes, a couple of our friends who have babies Amado's age said their kids were walking at 9 months. Of course, they're girls.
Maybe she was trying to lose herself in her spirals...
ReplyDeleteWell..of course they're girls...;-)