The scene: a movie theater packed with people attending the premiere of a film about the plane crash survivors in the Andes who turned to cannibalism.
At one point Mr. Vargas Llosa rushes up to Mr. García Márquez, who innocently tries to embrace him. Instead Mr. Vargas Llosa decks him, Mr. García Márquez’s blood gushing everywhere.
Some had surmised that the fight may have been over politics, since Mr. García Márquez has always been on the left and Mr. Vargas Llosa at the time had begun to migrate to the right. (He later made an unsuccessful attempt to run for president of Peru in 1990 as a free marketeer.)
But, the cause was a woman, specifically, Mr. Vargas Llosa’s wife, whom Mr. García Márquez consoled during a difficult period in the marriage.
From this article in The New York Times on the publication of the post-fight photo after 30 years.
Speaking of fistacuffs...tomorrow is National, (not sure what nation) Anti-blog-bullying Day...seems a sizable number of bloggers will stay silent as a way to protest the threats of violence some women bloggers are experiencing...